harsh noise wall

III - .076

Written by Ndrrk - 13 novembre 2023 - Aucun commentaire

New walls from III. I hope I'll can release more stuff in the future.

Anyway, enjoy these.

h POKéDEX - Fourth Generation

Written by Ndrrk - 02 juillet 2023 - Aucun commentaire

Here is the fourth generation of h POKéDEX, counting 107 pokémons in total.

Same concept as the other one, cry of the pokémon is stretched and use as a noise source. After that, I use SoX to apply some effect on the track to create the wall.

I struggled to make it sound as I wanted to, all my noise gear is in France, and I moved in Canada recently, so all the walls was made only with my laptop. But in the end, it was really fun to craft these walls (and really fast, considering other generations was months of recording, here I made it in only two days!)

Just for useless disclosure, I didn't use the HNW Generator, cause it cannot use external noise input, it only generate its own noise source. So it's kind of useless in this scenario.

Quick reminder that the walls are designed to be very similar, that's the whole point.

Anyway, hope that sound good, hope you'll enjoy!

HNW Generator - A Harsh Noise Wall album generator

Written by Ndrrk - 30 juin 2023 - Aucun commentaire

Hi there!

About a week ago, the Harsh Noise Wall generator I worked on since at least a year was good enough in my opinion to get release to the public

It have some cool features (at least I think so), to hear one example, the last Torpeur album was made with it

It's still a work in progress, some things will not work on your machine, and some bug will eventually appear. I can help you if anything got wrong, of course, but I do not guarantee anything, this software come as is.

If you want to try it out, here's the link of the release, if you release stuff made with it, feel free to send it my way, and please add a link to the release page in your album credit

That's all for me! Have a good one!

III - .075

Written by Ndrrk - 01 décembre 2022 - Aucun commentaire

New album from III, 30 tracks of 11 minutes for a total of 5h30 of pure noise wall, released by HNW netlabel.

Hope you'll enjoy!