III - .014

Written by Ndrrk - - Aucun commentaire

Tracks made with radio FM app on my phone through UM300, SF300 and UO300. And PureData (again) for reverb and EQ.
Cover made by myself.

III - .013

Written by Ndrrk - - Aucun commentaire

Tracks made with UO300, SF300 and UM300 from Behringer and a PureData patch for reverb and EQ.
Cover made with JWildfire.

With RAW024, I wanted to make a wall noise like a cracking fire, this is not perfect, but I like it.

III - .012

Written by Ndrrk - - Aucun commentaire

New wall from III.
Tracks made with PureData and cover with JWildfire.

Just shut up and let's your brain disconnect while you listen it.

III - .011

Written by Ndrrk - - Aucun commentaire

Made with PureData as usual.
Cover made with JWildfire.